SCENES: A hundred years of Singapore Chinese Language Theatre 1913 – 2013

Chinese language theatre in Singapore has gone through a century of ups and downs.
It was borne out of a mission to inspire public discourse and to aid disaster relief in the beginning of the 20th century, and developed in the post-war era of multivariate aesthetic and political currents. Singapore Chinese language theatre has played a part in the construction of national consciousness; it has concerned itself with the underclass, while constantly reinventing, reintegrating, and professionalising. It has rooted itself in the global environment while engaging in cross-boundary dialogues.
A century of Singapore Chinese language theatre has not only contributed to the painting of Singapore's cultural landscape, it is also closely associated with the turbulence in the world.
Beginning from modern drama’s first emergence in 1913, SCENES: A Hundred Years of Singapore Chinese Language Theatre 1913 – 2013 traces the centennial history of Chinese language theatre in Singapore in the socio, cultural and political contexts. Through a survey of historical records accompanied by rare images, the book is a reflection on the cultural ethos and social development of the different periods.
Title: SCENES: A hundred years of Singapore Chinese Language Theatre 1913 – 2013
Concept: Quah Sy Ren, Kok Heng Leun
Author: Quah Sy Ren
First Edition: Nov 2013
ISBN: 978-981-07-7262-8
Co-Publisher: Drama Box & National Museum of Singapore
Price: S$28
You can purchase the book online or at Select Books.